How long does it take to thaw a 12 pound turkey?

How long does it take to thaw a 12 pound turkey?

When thawing a turkey in the refrigerator, allow 24 hours of defrosting time for every 4 to 5 pounds of bird, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So, if the turkey weighs 4 to 12 pounds, plan for it to defrost in the fridge for one to three days

How Long Does It Take To Thaw A 12-Pound Turkey?

The centerpiece of the family dinner, the turkey, takes the most preparation. Making sure the bird is fully thawed is essential for a delicious feast. If you pick a frozen turkey, you’re already considering how and for how long you’ll thaw it. Because you don’t have time to spare, we did all of the research and science to ensure that you can defrost your poultry fast and safely.

Don’t put off thawing your Thanksgiving turkey until the last minute! Allow plenty of time for it to defrost in the refrigerator!

So what if we don’t have that much time to thaw your turkey?

There are a few safe choices, but thawing the turkey on the counter is a no-no.

  • Thawing at room temperature allows bacteria to proliferate in the turkey, potentially causing foodborne disease in anyone who consumes the turkey.

1. Thawing Turkey with Cold Water Method

One approach is to defrost the turkey in cold water:

  • First, double-check the plastic wrap on your turkey to ensure there are no holes or cuts.
  • Fill a large bucket (or your sink) halfway with cold tap water.
  • Allow about 30 minutes per pound.
  • Change the water every 30 minutes to ensure that it stays cold. And now, we can immediately cook the turkey.

Cover the turkey (in its original packaging) completely with cold water. Every 30 minutes, drain the water and replace it with cold water. This method will take roughly 30 minutes per pound to thaw. Assuming you have a 20-pound turkey. It would take 600 minutes or ten hours. (Yes, changing the water every half hour is a significant amount of time.)

2. Thawing turkey with Refrigerator Method

Any experienced holiday host will tell you that there are two options for thawing your bird. The first method is the refrigerator method. As you might expect, this entails transferring your turkey from the freezer to the refrigerator and allowing it to defrost (slowly) at 40°F or below.

This method is often regarded as the safest method for preventing bacterial growth, which can occur when meat is left at room temperature for an extended period. The official breakdown is as follows:

  • 4 lbs: 1 day to defrost
  • 8 lbs: 2 days to defrost
  • 12 lbs: 3 days to defrost
  • 16 lbs: 4 days to defrost

Allow one day for every four pounds of weight. According to that logic, a 12-pound turkey will take three days to defrost in the refrigerator. The longer the thawing period, the larger the bird.

4 = number of days it takes to thaw a frozen turkey in the refrigerator

Do you require another example? It will take more than 5 days to thaw a 22-pound turkey (5 1/2 days for those who completed the calculation).

Last-Minute Turkey-Thawing Methods

1. Thawing Turkey with Microwave Method

Thawing Turkey with Microwave Method

Another option is to defrost the turkey in the microwave. Because you may not have a huge enough microwave to thaw a large turkey, this option may not be suitable for everyone; simply check the handbook to see whether your turkey will fit and any cooking instructions. Packaging is to be removed before thawing, and the turkey should be placed on a thermal dish. You must cook the turkey as soon as it has thawed.
Finally, you can cook your turkey while it is frozen. Using this method, you will need to allow more time for the turkey to cook. Remove all wraps and any gravy packets or giblets that may have been stored in the turkey’s body cavity.

The USDA recommends utilizing the weight-based defrost feature and cooking for roughly six minutes per pound, rotating and flipping it throughout.

2. Roasting Frozen Turkey

Yes, anyone can cook a frozen turkey! However, you will need to roast it for 50% longer. Remember that if your turkey is only half frozen, it will take a little longer to cook. Use your food thermometer to check the temperature of your bird in the innermost portion of the thigh, the innermost part of the wing, and the thickest section of the breast.

How Should We NOT Thaw a Turkey

In case you’re wondering, the following thawing procedures are not recommended:

  • Thawing a turkey on the counter, in the garage, or on the back porch thawing a turkey in a brown paper shopping bag or plastic garbage bag
  • Thawing a turkey in the dishwasher (with or without water) any technique other than the refrigerator, cold water, or the microwave

When should I put my turkey in the refrigerator to thaw?

Refrigerator Thawing (Recommended) If your turkey weighs 16 pounds, it will take about four days to thaw. Once thawed, the turkey is safe for another two days, so you can start thawing it six days before thanksgiving (the Friday before Thanksgiving).

Can you leave a turkey out to thaw overnight?

turkey, which, if left out, will take hours to thaw completely. If you thaw raw meat at room temperature for two hours or more, it will be subject to rapid bacteria growth. Is thawing a turkey at room temperature a good idea? Nope.

How long does it take to defrost a 15lb turkey?

three to four days

How long does it take to thaw out a 12 pound turkey in the refrigerator?

about three days

How do you thaw a 12 lb turkey?

The USDA recommends thawing your turkey in the refrigerator. This is the safest method because the turkey will thaw at a consistent, safe temperature. This method takes some time, so allow one day for each 4 – 5 pounds of weight. If your turkey weighs 16 pounds, it will take about four days to thaw.

When should I start defrosting my 12 pound turkey?

According to the experts, you should thaw a turkey in a refrigerator set to 40xb0F or below for about 24 hours for each 4 to 5 pounds. If your bird weighs more than 20 pounds, you should start thawing in the fridge on Friday, Nov.19

Can you leave turkey out overnight to thaw?

turkey, which, if left out, will take hours to thaw completely. If you thaw raw meat at room temperature for two hours or more, it will be subject to rapid bacteria growth. Is thawing a turkey at room temperature a good idea? Nope.

How long does it take a 20 pound turkey to thaw in the refrigerator?

Here’s the calculation: plan on 24 hours of fridge thawing for every 5 pounds of frozen turkey (for example: budget 4 full days of thawing in the fridge for a 20-pound turkey). Keep the turkey wrapped, and occasionally check to see if the baking sheet or roasting pan needs to be drained.

When should I take my turkey out of the freezer and put it in the fridge?

Here is a general rule of thumb on when to move your turkey from the freezer to the refrigerator, according to the USDA:

  • 4 to 12 pounds 1 to 3 days.
  • 12 to 16 pounds 3 to 4 days.
  • 16 to 20 pounds 4 to 5 days.
  • 20 to 24 pounds 5 to 6 days.


How long should a 15 lb turkey thaw in the refrigerator?

three to four days

How many days does it take a 12 pound turkey to thaw in the refrigerator?

about three days

How long can you leave a frozen turkey out at room temperature?

2 hours

Can you leave a frozen turkey out for 24 hours?

Perishable foods should never be thawed on the counter, at room temperature, or in hot water. They must not be left at room temperature for more than two hours. There are safe ways to thaw turkey and other food, including in the refrigerator, in cold water, and in the microwave.

What happens if you leave a turkey out overnight?

Cooked turkey that has been left out for longer than 2 hours (or 1 hour above 90xb0 F) should be discarded. The reason is that bacteria grow rapidly when cooked turkey is kept at temperatures between 40xb0 F and 140xb0 F. To prevent foodborne illness, try to refrigerate the cooked turkey as soon as you can.

How do you thaw out a 15-pound turkey?

Refrigerator Thawing

  • Thaw turkey breast side up, in an unopened wrapper on a tray in the fridge (40 degrees F or below).
  • Allow at least 1 day of thawing for every 4 lbs of turkey.
  • Keep turkey in original wrapper and place on tray.
  • Use turkey within 4 days after thawing.

When should I take my 15-pound turkey out of the freezer for Thanksgiving?

Here is a general rule of thumb on when to move your turkey from the freezer to the refrigerator, according to the USDA:

  • 4 to 12 pounds 1 to 3 days.
  • 12 to 16 pounds 3 to 4 days.
  • 16 to 20 pounds 4 to 5 days.
  • 20 to 24 pounds 5 to 6 days.


Can I leave my turkey out overnight to thaw?

Can you leave a turkey out to thaw overnight, perhaps? The short answer is no. Here are the wrong ways to thaw your bird and the safest way to thaw a turkey.

Can you defrost a turkey at room temperature?

Never thaw at room temperature. To thaw your turkey in the refrigerator: Keep turkey in its original packaging. Place turkey in a large baking dish ($21, Amazon) with sides to catch any juices that may leak out as the turkey thaws.

How long does it take for a 12 lb turkey to thaw in fridge?

one to three days

How long does it take to thaw a 12.5 lb turkey?

According to the experts, you should thaw a turkey in a refrigerator set to 40xb0F or below for about 24 hours for each 4 to 5 pounds. If your bird weighs more than 20 pounds, you should start thawing in the fridge on Friday, Nov.19

How do you thaw a 12 pound turkey?

According to the USDA, when thawing your turkey in the refrigerator, you’ll need to allow 24 hours for every four to five pounds. Don’t bother with the mathhere’s a table: 4 to 12 pounds: 1-3 days. 12 to 16 pounds: 3-4 days.

How long does a 12 pound turkey take to thaw?

one to three days

How many days before Thanksgiving should I thaw my turkey?

about three days

How do you thaw a frozen 12 pound turkey?

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends one day of thawing in the refrigerator for every 5 pounds. So if you have a 15-pound bird, you’ll need to start defrosting at least three days in advance.

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