How long can you keep raw ground beef in the fridge?
Uncured, raw meat generally lasts safely for around three days in the refrigerator. If you plan to keep uncooked meat longer, freezing it is your best bet. Seal the meat in an airtight package before freezing.
How long can hamburger stay in the refrigerator before cooking?
1 to 2 days
How can you tell if hamburger is bad?
Touch the ground beef.If it’s slimy, that’s not normal.Smell and visually examine at your ground beef, and if it’s brown or an off odor, those could be signs that your ground beef is spoiled. Always remember when in doubt, throw it out!
Can I eat hamburger after 5 days?
According to the FDA Food Code, all perishable foods that are opened or prepared should be thrown out after 7 days, maximum.